Saturday, November 14, 2020

Annotated Summary #1

 D. Strik, H. V. M. Hamelers, J. F. H. Snel and C. J. N. Buisman Green electricity production with living plants and bacteria in a fuel cell DOI: 10.1002/er.1397

In this article, the authors explained how the use of a microbial fuel cell can be used in living plants to generate electricity. As production of electricity releases harmful gases into the atmosphere, scientists are looking into creating renewable electrical energy. By using plant microbial fuel cell (plant-MFC) in plants, it transforms solar radiation into green electricity from the photosynthesis of plants.

The authors explained how plant-MFC is used when the plant is undergoing the process of photosynthesis. During this process, the plant produces organic materials where it is transported throughout the plant. As not all the organic materials are used, it will be excreted at the roots of the plant. The unwanted materials, referred to as plant rhizodeposits, is utilized as substrates by the bacteria that surrounds the soil which will generate electricity in the plant-MFC.  

The research paper showed that the possible growth of plant energy and highlighted the environmental advantages of the system. Since there is a variety of plant-based technology such as bioelectricity, bioethanol and biodiesel, it has its drawbacks and it competes for agricultural land use. By using plant-MFC, the authors addressed was its "social point of view" as it can be implemented in natural environments "without being competitive with agricultural lands".

This article has helped my research project on how plants can be sourced as renewable energy and be utilized sustainably. Though the plant technology is still in the developing process, it has shown significant progress and its beneficial environmental impacts. This has emboldened my team's project idea and how plant energy can be implemented at the new campus in SIT. 

Assignment: Critical Reflection

The moment I found out that I would be taking an effective communication class for my first trimester, I dreaded the idea and hoped to defer...